4200 Cantera Drive, Suite 200 | Warrenville, IL 60555
Naperville, IL Child Support Attorneys

DuPage County Lawyers Assisting Clients with Child Support Proceedings
As any parent knows, raising a child is a serious endeavor that requires a great deal of effort and commitment. While it is impossible to place a value on your child's happiness and security, the reality is that providing for your child's needs requires a significant financial investment as well. At Calabrese Associates, P.C., our compassionate team understands the challenges facing divorced and single parents. We can assist you in your pursuit of a child support order that is customized to fit your specific situation.
Dedicated Family Lawyers in Warrenville
For more than 20 years, our law firm has focused solely on resolving matters of family law for clients in the western Chicago suburbs. With our knowledge of the law, we are equipped to help you seek child support considerations following a divorce, legal separation, or breakup. Our attorneys recognize the importance of an amicable resolution whenever possible and make every effort to work with you and your child's other parent to negotiate an agreement that meets the requirements of the law.
Following a change to the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA) that took effect on July 1, 2017, child support payments will be determined based on both parents' incomes and the number of children being supported. Each parent's amount of parental responsibility and parenting time with their children will also be considered. We realize, however, that the statutory calculation is often just a starting point and that your unique circumstances may require additional consideration.
Other Child Support Needs
Your child's needs extend beyond a simple income-based calculation. Additional considerations, including daycare, education, medical, or extracurricular activities should be taken into account to provide further support for your child. Such issues can be extremely complex and our team guides you through the process.
Calabrese Associates, P.C., also provides representation to those struggling to meet their child support requirements. We understand the law, as it is written, does not always account for the realities of life. If your income is unpredictable, for example, or if you are unable to afford your current support obligations, let us help. Our attorneys will work with you in seeking arrangements for child support that better meet your current situation. Doing so may require modification of an existing order so you can continue to meet your own needs as well as those of your children.
Our attorneys are also experienced in handling administrative penalties for non-payment of child support obligations. We will work with you and the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services to minimize or eliminate the penalties.
Hardworking Attorneys Serving Winfield and Wheaton
When you have questions about child support or other matters of family law, you deserve answers from a team committed to unrivaled client service. Contact our office today to schedule your introductory consultation. Meet with one of our skilled lawyers for 90 minutes or more to discuss your case. Call 630-393-3111 to schedule an appointment at Calabrese Associates, P.C. We are proud to serve Naperville, Warrenville, Wheaton, Winfield, Aurora, Carol Stream, and the surrounding areas. Se habla español.