4200 Cantera Drive, Suite 200 | Warrenville, IL 60555
Naperville Paternity Lawyer

Parentage Attorneys Serving Naperville, Warrenville, DuPage County, and Throughout the Area
At Calabrese Associates, P.C., we know family relationships are extremely important to our clients. While some families will never need to deal with the statutory concerns of establishing parentage, others may be faced with challenges providing for their child's best interests. We routinely work with both mothers and fathers to create legal parent-child relationships that both serves the child's needs and protects the rights of parents.
Establishing a Parent-Child Relationship in Illinois
Under Illinois law, an individual is presumed to be the parent of a child if he or she was married to—or in a civil union with—the mother of the child at the time of the child's birth. Similarly, if the child was born within 300 days of the end of a marriage or union, the mother's ex-partner is presumed to be the other parent. If neither of these scenarios represents your situation, our attorneys are able to help you establish parentage in another manner.
When a person is not the presumed parent, he or she can become the child's legal parent upon:
- A valid adoption;
- Completion of voluntary acknowledgment of paternity by both the mother and the father; or
- A judgment or order of parentage, which may require genetic testing.
Warrenville Lawyers Protecting Parental Rights
If you are not legally recognized as the father of your child, you do not have rights regarding parental responsibilities and parenting time with your son or daughter. We are ready and willing to help you change that. At our law firm, we understand that your child deserves to have the love, time, and attention of both parents, regardless of your situational challenges. Once you have established your parentage, we can then move forward helping you pursue increased parenting time as you try to build a healthy parent-child relationship. On the other hand, no one should be forced to support a child through college that is not his. If you are not sure whether you are the father of a child, we can assist. Our attorneys will help you obtain a DNA test to determine with a great degree of certainty whether you are the biological father of the child.
If you are a single mother struggling to raise a child on your own, you should be able to rely on—at the very least—the financial support of the other parent. When you establish parentage for your child, the court can then order payments of child support. You may also help your child qualify for certain legacy benefits and inheritances through the other parent as well. Our compassionate attorneys know how difficult single parenthood can be, and we are willing to fight for you every step of the way.