4200 Cantera Drive, Suite 200 | Warrenville, IL 60555
Naperville, IL Lawyers for Determining Educational Expenses

Child Support Attorneys Serving Warrenville, Aurora, and Throughout the Surrounding Areas
The experienced team at Calabrese Associates, P.C., recognizes the importance of your child continuing his or her education beyond high school. Whether your child intends to pursue a college degree or technical training, his or her future can be greatly improved with additional formal instruction. The financial costs, however, can place a severe burden on any family. Proper planning is essential to secure your child's educational future. No parent should shoulder such educational burdens alone. The other parent should be required to assist.
Non-Minor Support for College Expenses in Illinois
In many divorce or parentage cases, a parent's obligation for child support ends when the child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later. Depending on when your divorce settlement was entered, paying for your child's college or trade school may not have been a consideration. To better help your child, Illinois law allows you to seek non-minor support for educational costs from the other parent, even after your child has officially reached adulthood.
To determine whether it is appropriate to order non-minor support for educational expenses, the law requires the court to carefully analyze the financial situation of both parents. The child's financial resources must also be considered, along with his or her academic performance. At Calabrese Associates, P.C., we work hard to find creative, negotiated solutions to family law concerns, and can help you develop a suitable arrangement regarding education costs. When necessary, we are fully prepared to take your matter into the courtroom as well.
Reasonable Educational Expenses
While it may seem institutions of higher learning have little interest in controlling the ever-rising costs of education, Illinois law contains provisions to help keep expenses more reasonable for parents. According to the law, parents may be required to help with expenses incurred by an unmarried student under the age of 23—or 25 in certain cases—including tuition, books, room and board, transportation, utilities, medical insurance and care, and incremental costs (as long as the student maintains at least a C average).
Whether you are the parent seeking help paying your child's education, or you have recently been asked to make contributions that you feel you cannot afford, our attorneys are ready to provide you with the representation you deserve. We offer a low-cost introductory consultation of an hour and a half or more so you can discuss your case at length with one of our experienced family lawyers. Our team will gather all of the necessary information to begin work on your behalf.
To learn more about how our firm can help you in your education expenses support case, contact our office. Call Calabrese Associates, P.C. at 630-393-3111 today to put our experience to work for you. We are proud to serve clients in Naperville, Warrenville, Wheaton, Aurora, Glen Ellyn, DuPage County, Kane County, Kendall County, and Will County. Se habla español.