Calabrese Associates, P.C.

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Does 50/50 Parenting Time Always Work?

 Posted on March 14, 2025 in Child Custody / Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

Naperville, IL divorce lawyerDivorcing as a parent comes with unique challenges. Whether you decide to litigate your divorce or settle outside of court, you will have to come up with a custody arrangement for your child. This custody arrangement, now known as parenting time, must be made with your child’s best interests in mind. An Illinois divorce lawyer can work with you to create a realistic parenting time schedule.

Although 50/50 is often thought of as the standard for joint custody, it is not suitable for every family. There are very good reasons as to why you might consider a different split of parenting time. At Calabrese Associates, P.C., we can sit down with you to understand your situation and discuss your options.

Conflicting Work Schedules

If you and your spouse work different hours, an equal split of parenting time may not be feasible. For instance, if you work 60 hours per week as a truck driver, it may be hard to carve out time to take care of your child during weekdays. You and your spouse could consider a schedule of three weekends per month, providing a predictable, consistent timeline.

Remember that you have rights as a parent. If you are concerned that you might be denied valuable parenting time on account of your working hours, our family law attorney can advocate for a reasonable schedule on your behalf.

Long Distance

Parental relocation refers to situations where one parent petitions for a move with his or her child based on a valuable opportunity. The distance of a relocation can range from a different county in Illinois to across the country. If you had a 50/50 split of custody before the move, a relocation will almost always require a modification of parenting time.

A parenting time schedule over long distance may involve one weekend per month, for example, with extended stays during the summer or while on vacation. At Calabrese Associates, P.C., we can work on a parenting plan to help you remain actively involved in your child’s life.

Findings of Abuse and Neglect

In most cases, family law courts prefer a joint custody arrangement. However, there are cases where a judge may restrict or even deny a parent from seeing their child. If the court discovers that the child is being subject to cruelty or abuse by one parent, the other parent may gain sole rights to parenting time. Alternatively, the other parent may be permitted to have visits under supervision from another adult.

At Calabrese Associates, P.C., we know how sensitive these matters can be. When you work with our firm, we can provide you with private legal advice and devoted representation.

Meet With a Naperville, IL Family Law Attorney Today

Figuring out the right parenting time schedule takes hard work. At Calabrese Associates, P.C., our DuPage County, IL divorce lawyer can help ease the burden on your family, working with you to find a solution for custody matters.  

We are ready to hear your concerns and advocate for you in court. Call our offices at 630-393-3111 to schedule a consultation today.

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